Welcome to MangaDex.Zip

MangaDex.zip (mangadex.zip) allows you to download Manga and Chapters on MangaDex, directly from your browser.
All it takes is to replace the .org part in the URL by .zip.

Here's a quick example for a Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/b9797c5b-642e-44d9-ac40-8b31b9ae110a/tsuki-ga-kirei-desu-ne will become https://mangadex.zip/title/b9797c5b-642e-44d9-ac40-8b31b9ae110a/tsuki-ga-kirei-desu-ne.

Here's a quick example for a Chapter: https://mangadex.org/chapter/3d6f1fce-d736-4ad1-b53b-71dca6a519d6/1 will become https://mangadex.zip/chapter/3d6f1fce-d736-4ad1-b53b-71dca6a519d6/1.

Additional options

When downloading a Manga, the default language when looking for chapters is English. To override this, simply add the following to the end of your address bar: ?lang=LANG where LANG is a valid MangaDex language tag, i.e.: ?lang=fr

When downloading a Manga or Chapter, you can always download a slimmed down, lighter version of it by appending the following to the end of your address bar: ?light=1

When downloading a Manga, you can automatically append chapter titles by adding the following to the end of your address bar: ?title=1

When downloading a Manga, you can select one or more preferred Groups, by order of preference, by adding ?group=ID to the end of the address bar. You can repeat that argument, and the furthermost left will be considered first. You can get a Group's ID when viewing it on MangaDex, in your address bar. If some chapters aren't available from one of your preferred Groups, it will be substituted with another Group. To disable that behavior, you can add &group_only=1 to the end of the address bar.

When downloading a Manga, you can also choose a range of chapters to download (i.e. only downloading chapters 50-100) by adding the ?start=X and &end=Y parameters to the end of the address bar. One does not require the other, and they can also be used simultaneously.

NB: If you're adding multiple parameters, be sure to name the first one after a ?, and the subsequent parameters with a &. Here's an example: https://mangadex.zip/title/b9797c5b-642e-44d9-ac40-8b31b9ae110a?lang=fr&light=1


This entire site counts as "one" entity when downloading from MangaDex. As such, we had to develop a Fair-Queue system.

Any download is considered a "task". You may have as many tasks as you wish in the queue, but they will be processed in a round-robin fashion. Said queue is shared with with multiple users.

If you would like to provide us some of your infrastructure (hosting a forward-proxy to MangaDex or a MangaDex.zip Worker), please contact the maintainer on Discord to arrange something out.

Hello, developers

We offer an API available here. The API consists of 2 major parts: adding items to the queue, and retrieving your items.

"Terms of Service"

You may use our platform in the following conditions and for the following uses:

  • You may not use bots to spam the service.
  • You may use the service based on fair-use. The goal of this service is to facilitate downloading from MangaDex, not archive the entire website.
  • You may not try to disrupt the service by any means. This also includes spamming the queue with the same title multiple times.

We may block your access to the service indefinitely if we think you may be abusing the service in order to cause service disruptions.

We collect data to combat fraud, detect spam and block bots. We collect and keep the following information:

  • Your IP address is used to detect spam and combat fraud on our infrastructure. It is never shared with third parties.
  • Your browser information is used to detect spam. It is never shared with third parties.
  • The data you're requesting from us is used to build statistics about downloads and to track errors. These statistics do not contain any personal information. For example, when downloading a Manga, we may keep the ID of the downloaded Manga. These statistics may be shared with third parties.

These data are stored on-premises and are never stored outside of our infrastructure. Personal Identifiable Information will be wiped one month after it has been logged.

Everything else

We are not affiliated in any way to MangaDex. And we're open source, come roast the developer (and open issues for bug reports and feature requests).